Kids on the Move
Science for the Big Kids.
Watch for Kids on the Move series
Physical science in the yard, the kitchen,
and the garage
Science for the Big Kids.
Watch for Kids on the Move series
Physical science in the yard, the kitchen,
and the garage
Great fiction book loaded with activities for children as they explore their world.
Smooth moves and balance make Echo and the twins masters of the neighborhood.
The latest book in the series. Echo, Gabriela, and Mateo can fight against gravity, but down is down no matter what! Make your own plumb bob with "Gravity Wins."
Save your place in any book with a QR code that goes to "Kids on the Move" on Amazon.
Making Friends with Water
A New Way of Looking at Things
My Magic Carpet
Catch the Wave
On My Wavelength
Launch of the
Kids on the Move series!
The books have fun with serious upper elementary science – motion, force, energy and more – big kid science sparked at story time!
As an educator in public schools and at the college level, Martha Wiley’s work included math, physics, technology, and education methods for future teachers. She has learned that reading an engaging story with relatable characters is a strong way to introduce science topics - matching NGSS grade-level standards.
Michelle Mirakian grew up in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. She now lives in Olathe, KS with her husband and sweet dog, The Artful Dodger.
Michelle worked in advertising before staying home to raise her two sons. Now that the boys are grown, she tutors kids in Math and Reading and found out that she really likes to draw!